Saturday, November 9, 2019

LIFE @ Moth Club - November 6, 2019

LIFE, November 6, 2019
w/Italia 90

My first time at the tiny Moth Club in Hackney, even though I was thinking of going before now (should have dragged my butt out to Cabbage in April!).

Caught most of the opener's, Italia 90, set. Originally from Brighton, but now living in south London, they have an interesting early punk sound. I'd checked out a couple songs ahead of the show and was glad to hear them live. The singer had a predatory, prowling skinhead look, but without much feedback from the crowd, didn't give us much energy back. Definitely a band to watch as their sound is right up my alley, and a good fit for LIFE.

This was my 3rd time seeing LIFE, and the first as headliners. (Saw them open for Slaves and then Idles). I've liked them from before that 1st show, checking out opening bands as I like to, and being really impressed. Also love wearing my long-sleeve Popular Music shirt to shows, which endears them to me.

I think this is the first time I've seen their new female bassist, Lydia, who bops from side to side making faces, and fits in well with  their offbeat, kinetic performances. Singer, Mez, is as mesmerising to watch as ever, channeling a young David Byrne with original off kilter moves and detached but demented expressions.

I'm very relieved by the new album they're supporting, A Picture of Good Health. It's lost none of their energy and drive, and moves their sound forward in a direction that totally works for me. I like a few new bands whose 2nd and 3rd albums I'm nervous about, but these guys haven't let me down one whit. Having said that, I was chuffed that they closed with Popular Music, that chugging and droning ironic masterpiece.

Love them live, and will definitely see them again.

Excites Me
Good Health
In Your hands
Half Pint Fatherhood
Never Love Again
Grown Up
It's a Con
Don't Give Up Yet
Hollow Thing
Bum Hour
Ba Ba Ba
Moral Fibre
Popular Music

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