Friday, January 30, 2009

Music Drought?

Shockingly, I have only been to two shows since my last post in September!

I could use the excuse that I'm in a new relationship with all the new activities and preoccupations that entails, but really it has more to do with getting a bit fed up with the new music I'm hearing and the lack of anything coming through town that really excites me.

This is a common theme in my music-fan-life: obsession for a couple of years, a big lull, discovery of a new scene/sound that cranks up the concert-going again. Geography has had a lot to do with this over the years, but Vancouver is one of the best concert cities I've ever lived in, so I can't use that excuse this past 6 months.

I do not dig all the new hairy 70s retro bands, AT ALL. Much of the new poppy indie stuff is too close to bad disco for me to respect. And admittedly the post-punk revival thing is getting a bit long in the tooth, but I know what I like whether it has a label that fits into my self-conception, and nothing has done it for me for quite awhile.

Here's hoping the year is young and surprising...

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